April 14, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
PWUMC Worship Center
7310 NW Prairie View Rd
Platte Woods, MO 64151
Mat Thornton
Holy Thursday gathers people to the table of the last supper. At PWUMC, our Holy Thursday service will center around the ideas of water and table. We will worship through baptism and reaffirmations of baptism, song led by a small acoustic band, prayer and joining together in a feast. Come sit at Christ’s table with your church family.
If you are planning to experience Holy Thursday worship from home, you are invited to prepare water to remember your baptism. During the appropriate time in worship, simply dip your fingers in the water and then touch your fingers to your forehead or the back of your hands, remembering your baptism and the covenant you have made with God and God has made with you. Likewise, to take part in the Love Feast from home, have a small variety of foods – nuts, fruits, crackers, sliced cheeses and/or sliced meats. During the appropriate time in worship, you will be invited to join in the Love Feast and partake of the foods you have on hand. (Be creative! Jesus used the ordinary foods he had on hand to celebrate with his disciples – bread, fish, olives & wine!)
During the remembrance of baptism, we have a small number of opportunities available for those who would like to do so through immersion. If you are interested in doing this, please register below.