Grow Groups

Small Groups at PWUMC


You are invited to continue gathering and growing in a Grow Group! Life is best experienced in community to share celebrations, concerns, questions, and thoughts. Grow Groups are a smaller community space, in person or online, to continue the conversation from the sermon on Sunday morning with friends new and old. There is a space for you!

Sign Up

Grow Groups are always open for new people to join! The conversation is centered around the sermon topic from Sunday, so anyone can jump in at any time. Click below to check out group times and descriptions or to sign up to join a group or request more information. Your group is excitedly waiting for you!



How many weeks do groups meet?

For as long as you need! Many groups will continue meeting for several seasons, others for just a series! There is no contractual commitment to a Grow Group so you may try one for a few weeks and consider trying another if your schedule or other circumstances change.


How long do groups meet?

Most groups meet for about 60 to 90 minutes depending on their schedule and the flow of conversation.


What will I experience?

In a word: Community! Each group has its own personality, but your host has designed a space to laugh, to share, to ask questions big and small, and to dream about answers.


Other questions?

Fill out the Grow Group Interest Form and check “More information, please!”


Grow Groups were essential to my development as a person and leader within the church. When I first started attending Platte Woods UMC, I joined a group. My time in this group was a time of formation. I learned so much about myself and about God. Many of my assumptions were challenged. I was pushed to become a better person. Over time I eventually started leading within the group. I believe my participation in the group helped me discover my calling to pastoral ministryWhat’s even more amazing is I still talk with many people in my original group!
Pastor Britton Fields


We have materials, including videos and study guides, ready for your group!

Be a Host!

We’re always looking for leaders to host Grow Groups! To sign up for more information about becoming a host, please visit our Host page.


7310 NW Prairie View Road  ♦  Platte Woods, MO 64151  ♦  816.741.2972
Serving the Kansas City Northland/Parkville community.


Livestream on Sundays at 9:30
In-Person Sundays at 9:30 (Modern) and 11:00 a.m. (Traditional)

Inviting all people into full life together in Jesus Christ.