About Us

The Platte Woods UMC Family

Our Staff

Interested in learning more about the people who work at PWUMC? Visit our Staff page!


Reserving a Room for Your Event

Scheduling Your Wedding

For more information, complete the form below or contact our wedding coordinator.


Online Wedding Information Form

Church Leadership

Lay Members to Annual Conference

Sam Adams, Lori Bogart, Ermalyn Kubart, Brandi Molina


Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development

Pastor/Chair: Yvi Martin
Class serving through December 2024: Brad Darnell, Lauren Hogle

Class serving through December 2025: Janessa Aston, Tony Bavuso, Jessica Sachs

Class serving through December 2026: Mary-Anne Abehke, David Collins, Donice Mahan, Laurie Price



Leadership Council

Chair: Ermalyn Kubart
Class serving through December 2024:  Preston Drobeck, Ermalyn Kubart, Joanne Wineinger

Class serving through December 2025:  Lindsay Boehmer, Bridget Coughlin, Dan Koch 

Class serving through December 2026:  Sam Adams, Ben Reimer, Barb Weians



Leadership Council Minutes

Our Beliefs


Inviting all people into full life together in Jesus Christ.


To become a loving, welcoming community constantly formed by the
shared spiritual practices: Gather, Grow, Give, Go.

Shared Practices:
Gather – Worship & Sacraments
Grow – Scripture & Prayer
Give – Sabbath & Tithe
Go – Acts of Mercy and Justice & Pilgrimage

Core Values:

Our biblical foundations introduce us to a God who loves and
cherishes every person God has made, and so our hearts long for every person to
know they belong and have a spiritual home here in our church. We value
belonging, so we intentionally make space for others, especially those who have
been kept out.

Jesus models for us a genuine openness to others, notably those
excluded, marginalized and othered. And so we desire to learn, understand and
draw closer to God, other people, and creation.

The Holy Spirit provokes us to see to mend what is broken in our
world. And so we are willing to step into the hard place, make the unpopular
choice, do the difficult thing, even if it costs us because we know it is the right
thing, the loving thing.

Inclement Weather

WEEKDAYS:  In the event of cancellations due to inclement weather on weekdays, PWUMC will contact the leader of any group scheduled in the building that day.  In addition, the most up to date information regarding event cancellations can be found on the Platte Woods United Methodist Church Facebook page and, when necessary, notification will be made to our E-News subscribers.


SUNBEAMS PRESCHOOL AND PARENT’S DAY OUT: These programs will be closed when the Park Hill School District calls for a snow day or an AMI day, including delayed starts or early dismissals.


SUNDAY WORSHIP:  Please note that only under the most extreme weather conditions will worship services be canceled.  If a cancellation occurs, notification can be found on the Events page on our website, on TV channel KMBC-9, or by calling the church phone line (816-741-2972).


7310 NW Prairie View Road  ♦  Platte Woods, MO 64151  ♦  816.741.2972
Serving the Kansas City Northland/Parkville community.


Livestream on Sundays at 9:30
In-Person Sundays at 9:30 (Modern) and 11:00 a.m. (Traditional)

Inviting all people into full life together in Jesus Christ.