
Manage Your Profile

In order to have the most up-to-date information, we have made ChurchLink, a church administration tool, available to you. ChurchLink makes your profile information accessible to you securely from anywhere.


You can view your complete profile, personal preferences, your giving, the groups you belong to and more.


You can also choose whether you want other church members to view your contact information.


The ChurchLink sign-in allows you to access and update your member information now.


In addition, you can register for events, view the full calendar, view and print contribution statements and make a gift online. Click a link below to access the information.


7310 NW Prairie View Road  ♦  Platte Woods, MO 64151  ♦  816.741.2972
Serving the Kansas City Northland/Parkville community.


Livestream on Sundays at 9:30
In-Person Sundays at 9:30 (Modern) and 11:00 a.m. (Traditional)

Inviting all people into full life together in Jesus Christ.