Chocolate Soup Time — Post 6

Resilience Today would have been Sharmalee’s 74th birthday. Sharmalee is the mother who was killed on June 10, 2018. So, in honor of my dear friend, it is time for me to write about resilience. Resilience is a quality that lies deep within each of us whether we know...

Chocolate Soup Time — Week 5

The Awkward Summer My apologies for not writing sooner. The spring/summer has been an awkward one. In May, there was another school shooting followed by the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. It was painful to say the least, to watch reporters struggle...

Chocolate Soup Time — Week 4

“Why a Support Group?” I just experienced a “Griefburst.” “Griefburst” is a term Dr. Alan Wolfelt uses in his book Understanding Your Grief. A “Griefburst” is when a wave of grief washes over you.  Sometimes you can see it coming. Most of the time it’s unexpected. I...

Chocolate Soup Time — Week 3

How was your week of “Chocolate Soup Time” with God?  I hope you found joy in the thought that the Creator of the Universe smiles when you take time to chat with Him. Lovin’ It! We are going to refocus our thoughts today on Love. Early in my counseling career I was...

Chocolate Soup Time — Week 2

Welcome Back! I am grateful you chose to revisit the Counseling Blog. On February 4, 2018, Pastor Britton Fields, our Director of Youth Ministry provided a thoughtful message on the “Fear of Isolation.” In his sermon he mentioned how God ministers to us through a...

Chocolate Soup Time — Week 1

Welcome to the Counseling Blog for Platte Woods UMC. I am Vicki Krehbiel and I have worked for PWUMC for 16 years. I am currently the Director of Counseling. I am also the “prodigal daughter” in my family. I decided to become a counselor following a season of...