Chocolate Soup Time — Post 12

A Special Christmas Story Merry Christmas! This story is for you! Did the Angels Sing? by Vicki Krehbiel Sunshine tickled Joseph’s nose. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked around the room. “Oh yeah: I’m at Grandma Hazel’s and Grandpa Ted’s,” he thought. He...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 11

Gift #5 — Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary Haven’t the stars been beautiful this year? I pray you have found time to enjoy the night sky. I recognize that this is a busy time of year so adding to your schedule, even to do something for yourself, is tough. So...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 10

Gift #4 — Stargazing and “Not Knowing” Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving as you practiced your new habit of Gratitude. Have you been keeping your own TUG4 journal? In my last post I mentioned the Wise Men as students of the stars. If you...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 9

Gift #3 — Gratitude I have a little bit of a rebellious streak. Ok. I have a lot of a rebellious streak. Just ask my mom. Any time someone tells me something is good for me I tend to drag my feet. Exercise more. Ok. Tomorrow. Stop drinking pop. Sure thing. Next...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 8

Gift #2 — A Prayer Partner So, we have Joseph, the father of this miracle child being open and willing to follow the instructions of an angel. What about the mother, Mary? How does she handle the news that she is going to have a baby? Like every other woman...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 7

Preface In week #3 of our Chocolate Soup Blog, I mentioned how early in my career, a young client asked me what love is. Honestly, her question still bothers me. To think that some children grow up not fully knowing what love is sometimes makes it hard for me to sleep...