Chocolate Soup Time — Post 18

Grief and Stories   I have a new Friday morning routine. Since I am old, I “get” to shop at the grocery store before you young folks! Of course, I am not an early riser so this usually means I barely make it there by 9:00 a.m. Plenty of young ones there by the...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 17

Grief   The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me … to comfort all who mourn; to provide for those who mourn in Zion — to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 16

Transformation   They’ll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage. Isaiah 61:4 (The Message)   Congratulations! By now you have made it to week 5 of the “Stay at Home” order. Most likely, some of your “High Alert” hormones have worn off...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 15

Laughter truly is the best medicine   I had planned to follow up two journal writing activities with some art activities. So often words get in our way. Color and shape can help us express emotions in ways words just cannot.   That was my plan. I don’t know...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 14

Ideas to help you sleep at night — Part Two Good Morning!   I hope you slept so much better last night. The next technique is one I tried earlier this week. It really did help me sleep soundly. I woke up feeling more rested than I have since news that we...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 13

Ideas to help you sleep at night Welcome back to the Chocolate Soup Blog! I did take some time off from writing last year. We can talk more about that later.   In the last few weeks, many of us have been making the unexpected and immediate transition to working...