Chocolate Soup Time — Post 24

“I Guess This Is Goodbye”   Okay. This snuck up on me. Well, I knew it was coming. I have known since last fall. Who knew that our last “in person” worship service would be our last for at least three months? There was the coronavirus. Then there was...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 23

“Next Steps”   Thank you so much for allowing me to share a few memories last week. Sharing some of my story was helpful for me. I hope it stirred your own thoughts and memories as well.   I am also grateful for my coworkers. Some have...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 22

“All the Little Children”   I never dreamed I would be writing this.   When I was a sophomore in college, I visited my Aunt’s home frequently since her family lived in the same town as the college. On one of my visits, things grew tense as my...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 21

“My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”   I thought my Monday was starting off pretty well. I had plenty of quiet time with God. My allergies were not acting up. I got in my two cups of vanilla flavored coffee. All seemed well.   I drove...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 20

“I Know Nothing!”   When I was young there was a popular sitcom called “Hogan’s Heroes” that my family watched weekly. The premise was that American soldiers in German prison camps during WWII were able to outwit their captors due in large part to the...

Chocolate Soup Time — Post 19

See below for information on the Bubble Remembrance Ceremony Not Quite Yet …   But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31...