Laughter truly is the best medicine


I had planned to follow up two journal writing activities with some art activities. So often words get in our way. Color and shape can help us express emotions in ways words just cannot.


That was my plan. I don’t know about you but, right now, all I really want is a good dose of laughter. So, we will save the art activities for a later post and focus today on laughter.


In 2011 I experienced breast cancer. The morning that I went in to have a biopsy on five lumps, I spent two full hours in a tiny radiology room with two technicians while they located each lump for the placement of guidewires that the surgeon would use to biopsy each lump. I am so grateful that they were both far more concerned about being precise than they were about rushing through the process. Once their mission was accomplished, one technician started wheeling me back to the surgical center. Suddenly, the other one came running down the hallway with something in her hand. I looked at her puzzled. So she had to push the button herself. A deep bass voice said, “That was easy”. All three of us laughed. I thanked her for setting the tone for my entire breast cancer journey.


The Staples Easy Button and a good joke book are now my favorite gifts for someone going through cancer. I know that sounds irreverent and a bit counterintuitive. However, I discovered along that journey that laughter is a powerful antidote to the stress hormones we experience when we are challenged. I gave my prayer partner an Easy button when she was going through cancer treatments a few years later. She kept it in her car so she could push the button after each treatment.


Following that experience, I purchased a workbook by Allen Klein, MA, CSP called L.A.U.G.H. It’s a workbook for therapists to use humor in the therapy setting. I’ve used several of his activities. I’ve watched couples move from conflict to helpful problem solving as they laughed together. I’ve seen depressed clients regain a sparkle in their eyes as they remember how to play or simply discover the humor in their situation.


So, today I’d like to share a couple of Allen Klein’s suggestions.


The first one is designed to help us look for the humor in our situation. When the daily news seems to be a constant flow of stress, take a moment to look at your personal situation from the perspective of your favorite comedian. Make a list of comedians you might listen to. Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Fallon or Chris Rock. Remember comedians like Carol Burnette (my favorite), Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, even Red Skelton! You can include in your list animated characters that might make you laugh like Homer Simpson, Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny.


Once you have a list of comedians, imagine that you are looking at your situation through their eyes. Write down, or discuss with your Zoom group, what your current situation looks like from all these different points of view. Have fun!


Another one of my favorite activities is to look at a situation as if it were a country-western song. Isn’t there a country-western song out there for almost any situation you can think of? If country-western is not your style, it’s okay. This activity is designed to help you play by being silly with how you look at your current situation. So if your situation were a country-western song what would the title be? Remember, be silly and goofy! Or if it were a Broadway song what would the title be? Try creating a title for a hip-hop song. Or an animated movie. Try any music style you like. Or if you were going to write the next hit comedy TV show, what would the title be?


Have fun with these activities. Feel free to share some of them on the Platte Woods UMC Facebook page! We could all use a great laugh about now.


And when we all get to come out of quarantine, maybe we can stand in our driveways and all of us push an Easy Button!


My thanks to author Allen Klein.


I am also grateful to those two radiology technicians from North Kansas City Hospital. I wish I could remember your names. Wherever you are, I pray you are healthy!


May God’s Peace abide in you today.


