Interested in diving deeper into our shared mission, values, and practices? Here are resources our pastors and staff have found enriching and helpful!
We believe that spiritual formation is both a communal and an individual journey that extends far beyond our weekly Sunday morning gatherings and the walls of the building. Explore the links below to find additional materials related to our current sermon series, small group & ministry area resources, and to dive deeper into our community’s shared mission, vision, values, and practices.
We would love to help you, your family, or your ministry group find spiritual formation resources to enhance your faith journey.
For any questions or resource requests, please contact Candace Shaw, Director of Spiritual Formation.
Candace Shaw
2024 Spiritual Formation Survey
At Platte Woods Church our vision of becoming a loving, welcoming community formed by our shared spiritual practices of Gather, Grow, Give, and Go is at the heart of everything we do.
In order to better understand the spiritual formation experiences of our church community, we’ve created a Spiritual Formation Survey that we hope will provide our PWC leadership with valuable feedback and insights about our church and assess how we are living out our church's mission, vision, values, and practices.
Looking for information about GrowGroups?
GrowGroups are small groups that meet on Sunday mornings as well as during the week, Bible Studies, topical classes and other small group spiritual formation opportunities.
We believe in the importance of Christian community. If you are interested in getting connected to a GrowGroup or Sunday school class, please contact Candace Shaw.
Learn more about GrowGroups at PWC & access GrowGroup materials here:
Staff Resource Picks
Paths to Prayer
By: Patricia D. Brown
Picked by: Yvi Martin, Lead Pastor
Discover Your Prayer Type and Explore 40 Ways to Pray from 2000 Years of Christian Tradition.
Right Here, Right Now
By: Amy G. Oden
Picked by: Mat Thornton, Associate Pastor
This book reveals the Christian roots of mindfulness and the actual practices that, when reclaimed, deepen the life of faith and the power of our mission of love in the world.
Current Liturgical Season
Advent (Dec. 1-24)
Mission - Vision - Values - Practices
Learn more about our Mission, Vision, Core Values and what inspires PWC here:
Spiritual Practices Resources
Worship Comes to Its Senses by Don E. Saliers
Black Liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley
The Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle
United Methodists and the Sacraments by Gayle Carlton Felton
Bible translations we frequently use: Common English Bible, NRSV, The Message
The Bible Project (Biblical Resources—video and text)
The Bible Tells Me So by Peter Enns
Inspired by Rachel Held Evans
Paths to Prayer by Patricia D. Brown
A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal edited by Sarah Bessey
The Lives We Actually Have: 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie
Right Here Right Now: The Practice of Christian Mindfulness by Amy G. Oden
Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey
Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now by Walter Brueggemann
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
Saving Grace from Abingdon Press
Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity by Adam Hamilton
Mercy and Justice
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Dear White Peacemakers by Osheta Moore
A Christian Justice for the Common Good by Tex Sample
My Body is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church by Amy Kenny
An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor
Walk a Labyrinth near you
Inclement Weather Procedure
WEEKDAYS: In the event of cancellations due to inclement weather on weekdays, PWUMC will contact the leader of any group scheduled in the building that day. In addition, the most up to date information regarding event cancellations can be found on the Platte Woods United Methodist Church Facebook page and, when necessary, notification will be made to our E-News subscribers.
SUNBEAMS PRESCHOOL & PARENTS DAY OUT: These programs will be closed when the Park Hill School District calls for a snow day or an AMI day, including delayed starts or early dismissals.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: Please note that only under the most extreme weather conditions will worship services be canceled. If a cancellation occurs, notification can be found on the Events page our website, on TV channel KMBC-9, or by calling the church phone line (816-741-2972).