
ChurchLink is a convenient, secure system for online giving using a checking/savings or debit/credit card.


Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a convenient, cost-effective way to give. Complete and return the ACH Form along with a voided check or deposit slip to the church.

In Worship

Place your offering in the secure black offering box at the back of the Worship Center or Sanctuary. If giving cash, contribution envelopes are available.

Learn about more ways to give

  • If you’d like to let the church know your plans for giving, please complete the Intentional Giving Card. If you’d prefer, you can print an Intentional Giving Card and mail it to the church.

  • Your gifts can be mailed to the church.

    ATTN:  Misty Wilkinson, Financial Manager
    7310 NW Prairie View Road, Platte Woods, MO 64151

  • Your tithes and offerings can be given through an account you set up online when you text “PWUMC” and the amount to number 73256.

  • Stock donations can be made to the church through the Missouri United Methodist Foundation. Follow the instructions and the General Stock Transfer Instructions Form to give to your broker.

  • The Legacy Society has been established to provide you the opportunity to commit a gift during your lifetime that will preserve our life-changing ministry for years to come. The objective of Legacy is to honor a dedicated group of members and friends of the church who have chosen to include the church in their estate plans.

John Wesley & the Methodist approach to giving

John Wesley urged constituents to “Earn all you can and save all you can, so that you can give all you can.” Throughout his life he lived modestly and gave sacrificially. Wesley always included weekly offerings in those early “Methodist” classes as an act of worship and thanksgiving to God.

As we join hands with United Methodists around the world, we are the hands and feet of Christ to those who are starving physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Contact Information

Our Financial Manager, Misty Wilkinson, can help you with your giving.

816-741-2972 x200

Platte Woods Church
ATTN: Misty Wilkinson, Financial Manager
7310 NW Prairie View Road, Platte Woods, MO 64151


Misty Wilkinson