At Platte Woods Church, we want to be known first by the kind of people we are and the kinds of lives we live as followers of Jesus. Jesus’ mission was to bring people into full life, abundant life, and we believe that’s a life the world desperately needs. And so we invite all people into full life together in Jesus Christ. When we say all, we mean all.

  • Belonging

    Our biblical foundations introduce us to a God who loves and cherishes every person God has made, and so our hearts long for every person to know they belong and have a spiritual home here in our church. We value belonging, so we intentionally make space for others, especially those who have been kept out.

  • Curiosity

    Jesus models for us a genuine openness to others, notably those excluded, marginalized and othered. And so we desire to learn, understand and draw closer to God, other people, and creation.

  • Courage

    The Holy Spirit provokes us to see and to mend what is broken in our world. And so we are willing to step into the hard place, make the unpopular choice, do the difficult thing, even if it costs us – because we know it is the right thing, the loving thing.

Our Vision

To become a loving, welcoming community constantly formed by these shared spiritual practices:


When we exercise our spiritual muscles, we grow in our faith. So together, our community gathers for worship and sacraments, grows in our experience of prayer and scripture, gives of our time and our money, and goes in acts of mercy and justice and on pilgrimage (or spiritual journeys). Repeating these practices, all throughout our lives, shapes us into the kind of people who live differently than the what the world demands.

At Platte Woods Church, you don’t have to have it all figured out – none of us do – but we believe that if your curiosity draws you into practicing these 4 G’s – Gather, Grow, Give and Go – then your life will begin to change. And together we’ll grow stronger and deeper into the full and meaning-full life that Jesus invites us to. Our beliefs don’t change us. Our practices do.


Inviting all people into full life together in Jesus Christ.

Here are a couple of resources that help unpack the mission of PWC:

Spiritual Practices

To step into a faith journey here at Platte Woods Church

is to step into a community where everyone can

belong, be curious, and be courageous.

We may not all think alike, but we can love alike.

That’s how we want to be known.