Platte Woods Justice Ministry Team (JMT) is working toward a world where inclusion, diversity and the well-being of all people are not just dreams, but realities!

Throughout the year, the Justice Ministry Team hosts a variety of classes, speakers and events around issues of justice.

For more information about the Justice Ministry, please contact Brandi Molina, Director of Missions.

Brandi Molina

“To do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God”

Micah 6:8

We Are A Reconciling Ministry Group

The Justice Ministry Team is proud to be a Reconciling Ministry group of Platte Woods Church. Team members voted in February of 2023 to become a Reconciling Ministry, a part of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN).

RMN “is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.” This vote was preceded by several months of discussion, study and prayer, with group members meeting with other RMN leaders throughout Missouri.

Justice Ministry Committees

The Inclusion Committee

The goal of the Inclusion Committee is to provide a space for exploring how Platte Woods Church can become a place where ALL people are celebrated and fully included in the life of the church, including members of the queer community. The committee also looks for ways to partner with community groups, providing support to those doing the work of LGBTQIA+ rights and support in our area.

The Race Relations Committee

The Race Relations Committee seeks to bring opportunities for learning about race relations in our country. From studies like the Missouri Conference of United Methodist Church’s “Faith and Race Podcast” and “White Fragility” to digging deeper into issues like redlining and its impact on people of color today, we explore what it means to “love our neighbor” fully and seek justice for all people.

The Northland Organizing Committee

Through the practice of “one-to-one relational meeting,” the Northland Organizing Committee seeks to build relationship with local community and other Christian leaders in town and explore practice of justice for the common goods in the greater Kansas City area. Dr. Tex Sample provides the one-to-one training and leads regular meetings.