A discipleship pathway is a way for individuals to ensure they are always growing deeper in their relationship with God. At PWC, our pathway includes four area: Gather, Grow, Give and Go. In each of these areas there are steps each of us can take to develop our faith.

GATHER for worship and scraments (communion and baptism)

“Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful song.” — Psalm 100:2

Loneliness is a common complaint even in today’s hyperconnected world. We’re wired to spend quality time with others, and PWC believes it is important to be in Christian community together. We gather every weekend to worship God and learn more about God’s plan for our lives, while also providing a supportive community for those around us. We hope you’ll join us every week that you’re in town for one of our worship services.

GROW in our experience of prayer and Scripture.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” — Acts 2:42

Being in a smaller learning environment is a great way to dig deeper into faith and how it applies to everyday life. But it’s not just about learning: it’s also about the relationships made and support offered as we make our way through life. PWC offers a variety of groups for everyone, whether you’re looking to learn more about the basics of Christianity, are seeking to find more balance in your life, or are ready for a deep dive into heavy Biblical study.

GIVE of our time (Sabbath) and resources (tithe).

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” — Acts 20:35b

Giving is a touchy subject for many people. We’ve all heard people complain, “All churches ever talk about is money!” But giving is much more than that. Giving financially is important of course, and we believe that a healthy view of money is an important part of any spiritual development. But we also encourage people to give of their time and energy, gifts that are in short supply. Whether you’re focused on financial or spiritual gifts, we want to help you make the most of what you have to offer.

GO in acts of mercy and justice and pilgrimage.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” — 1 Peter 4:10

The world can be a scary place. At PWC, we believe we have a responsibility to try to make it a little less frightening. By spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, we can give hope to people who are living without that personal relationship. And by helping underprivileged people in our community and around the world, we can show God’s love while improving quality of life. We encourage everyone at PWC to be in conversation about their faith and to invite friends and neighbors to join us. We also hope each person will find a way to participate in our Missions program, and find a project that fills a need they see in the world!