Candace Shaw is the Director of Spiritual Formation at Platte Woods Church. Her job is to cultivate a wholistic approach to faith formation by encouraging collaboration across all generations in our community through our shared mission, values, and practices.

Candace comes to PWC with 15 years of ministry experience working in a variety of roles, including education and discipleship, children’s ministry, campus ministry, and event planning. In every area of ministry and life she is passionate about creating connected spaces where people feel included and valued and where she can join others in practicing a wide and welcoming faith.

After graduating with her Master of Divinity degree from Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, TX, Candace convinced her Texan husband, Scott, that the Kansas City Northland was the place to be and so they have lived here ever since, now with the addition of two children and two cats.

Candace drinks iced coffee and iced chai in all temperatures and seasons. She is also an enthusiastic reader who is always happy to talk about books with anyone at any time!