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Styrofoam Collection

  • Gathering Space 7310 Northwest Prairie View Road Platte Woods, MO, 64151 United States (map)

Thanks to the passion and dedication of one of our members, we are excited to announce a new opportunity to recycle your Styrofoam! Beginning Sunday, September 29th, we will be collecting Styrofoam on the LAST SUNDAY of each month.

Why recycle Styrofoam? Styrofoam, also known as expanded polystyrene (EPS), is a common material used in packaging, insulation, and disposable food containers. Despite its convenience, Styrofoam poses significant environmental challenges due to its non-biodegradable nature. Recycling Styrofoam helps reduce solid waste, conserves resources, and prevents pollution.

Acceptable donations can be dropped off in the collection bin in the Gathering Space. Please see guidelines below:

- Only clean Styrofoam will be accepted. No marks, paint, stickers or tape.
- No food or drink containers (such as Styrofoam cups or takeout containers) can be included.
-Must be white, rigid (not soft) material

This is a wonderful way to be good stewards of the environment, and we appreciate your cooperation in following the guidelines. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Any questions, contact Brandi Molina

October 27

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October 27

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